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Todd, good luck on your move. But NY is big and there must be somewhere for you; it can't all be possibly taken out. I do remember big buildings left empty for years, but that's another story. As a public service to all fellow Loopers of our species, I would like to risk posting this non-looping-related item. I have just discovered this week that Yahoo! now offers, besides the excellent free e-mail and other services, now they offer free POP3 connections! I have done it and proved it works perfectly, but still don't believe it... You can customize your Eudora, Outlook Express/98/2000, Netscape, or whatever e-mail client you use, to connect via the Internet to their SMTP and POP servers to both send and receive e-mail. This, combined with the several "free" Internet-connection services out there, means that you can connect to the Web at 56K and have a permanent e-mail account for free... The significance of the free e-mail account is that when you move, only you move, not your e-mail. You maintain a single point of contact with all your friends and family, even though you move between different houses, ISPs, or whatever -- sell your Echoplex, sell your Boomerang, sell your EH 16-sec -- you still have the same e-mail address... No hastles e-mailing everybody that your e-mail address is changing. Not only that, but other companies charge anywhere from $10 to $25 yearly so that you have this nice convenience. I hope some of you find this important and get your free SMTP and POP services at Yahoo too. Well, we all here have e-mail addresses, yes? Thanks; you can resume your looping activities now. Javier