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jeeze, it's not like these guys were exchanging urls for pay porn sites. they were talking shop -- loopers discussing an instrument they use in looping. the list name, which you patronizingly pointed out, is "looper's delight". how is that so off-topic? in fact, in this whole thread, your own post makes you look most like who you describe when you insult half the people on this list -- a ranting, self-important, calloused jerk. if this is the sort of tone you wish to set here then unsubscribe me. because it is you who are off-topic. at least until you change the list name to Loopers-Full-Of-Themselves. thanks, ch > >>strings, > > > > blahblahblah > > > > usually when I make some comment about off-topicness, I make a joke >about > > the guitar players boring the life out of everybody else by talking >about > > their strings. As you all can see though, this is a very real danger! >We > > must be ever vigilent. I don't know what it is about guitar players, >for > > some reason they are just oblivous to the fact that not everybody >wants to > > hear them 100% of the time. They do this in bands (you've heard the > > jokes...) and they do it on mailing lists. You put a few of them >together > > and they start babbling about picks and tube amps and strings and >tuning > > pegs and whatever, completely ignoring the topic. You don't even get so > > much as an apology or an "excuse me for being off topic"! > > > > So as yet another reminder, this list is about looping. (hence the > > name....). Let's try to veer back that way. Many, many people here do >not > > play guitar, or are not interested in discussing it here. The thing >that > > everyone is commonly here to discuss is looping. Try to stick to that. > > There are numerous places for guitar discussions, this is it for >looping. > > Let's try to keep the SNR a little higher..... > > > > thanks, > > kim > > > > > > > > ______________________________________________________________________ > > Kim Flint | Looper's Delight > > | > > | > > > > > >