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>And since your little boycott idea threatens Matthias and I in developing >new echoplex software, and may even jeopardize future echoplex production >(although I doubt it), some people here aren't likely to be real >supportive >either. After all, opcode was not willing to invest in real-time loop >products (before or after Gibson), Gibson has invested a lot in this area >and stuck with it for years. > >...and according to Keyboard this month, Logic, Cubase, and MOTU are >better >than vision. :-) Kim is right on target here. Gibson wil never see a dime back from their investment in Opcode - they should be credited with taking such a huge risk, considering the competition form market leaders like Cubase, et al. It's an understatement to say the idea of a boycott is counter-productive. Not only is it unwarranted, but even if you could muster the legions you propose - 40K (highly unlikely) - it would be about as effective as a flea on an elephant. As a multi-national company, Gibson is safely diversified. Its whole guitar division would have to collapse to have any quantitative effect. - Larry