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Re: Line6 DL4 group buy - Putting it together.

Thanks for your work for the group.  Let me know what pans out.

>From: Legion <legion@voicenet.com>
>Reply-To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
>To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
>Subject: Re: Line6 DL4 group buy - Putting it together.
>Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 13:27:06 -0500
>Travis Hartnett wrote:
> > Well, actually it looks like it REALLY pays to quote "price of 
> > origin" to your local store before the counter guys have had their 
> > of coffee.
>Evidently. I just wanted to point out this is not the norm least we have
>ten more "How did you find that price?" posts that all go unanswered
>like the last few have. So far no place has a standard price of less
>than $200 from what I've seen and heard. Please post otherwise if you
>know of a place that has a *regular* (not haggled) lower price.
> > BTW, I truly appreciate the logic of appealing to "support your local 
> > store" while setting up a national group buy AND suggesting that we use
> > Radio Shack AC adaptors.
>I think my point was clearly made (independent store VS Chain store) but
>quite frankly I don't give a damn where people buy 'em. 8th st isn't the
>best store in the world (Each saledude is different) but over the years
>I've met some of the best salesdudes I've met in any store there and
>these guys go the extra mile to take care of all their customers not
>just the big spenders. Personally I think that kind of attention
>deserves reward. Since we're putting together a multi purchase *someone*
>has to find a place to buy them and rather than deal with the chains
>that constanlty get ragged on for poor and ignorant support it just made
>sense to me that we support a particular salesmen or team that has
>developed a decent track record which makes things easier to buy as well
>as helps them out a bit.
>As for the adaptors that was answering a question someone had yesterday
>which is very pertinent to ANY DL4 user as well as people buying and
>paying shipping for a $20 adapter VS one they can find around the corner
>from them.
>Y'know I am trying to set this up for the list since there is so much
>interest. What was all that community crap that someone wrote about the
>past few days? If the best you can do is be a wiseass when somone's
>going out of their way for nothing to help out the group perhaps you'd
>feel more at home playing  with the ignorant sellers on Ebay than
>following up on someone elses's efforts to get something done instead of
>talking about it.
>loop on.
>      HELP WANTED PRODUCTIONS - Http://www.voicenet.com/~legion
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