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Re: Vortex sounds "bottled" when bypassed- ot?

I think you may have hit the nail there- so when it is in bypass it sends
signal through but with no effect- so you hear the channel signal plus the
dry signal from the aux- grrr- my old ass Yamaha mixer has these little
dials everywhere- not a push button in sight- even if there were though I'd
have to reach over and push it- man- its like I need a mixer BEFORE I even
get to my rack and then one after the rack- jeeze- I was looking at
Behringer mixers too- lots of bang for the buck there-


PS- ot- any pc users who have seen the error "Windows Protection Error" on
boot please msg me off list- I removed a partition and now I can't boot 
safe mode works but I have tried everything- no autoexec, no config,
complete scan, sys file check- I read the boot log but saw nothing

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Biffle <mbiffle@svg.com>
To: Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com <Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com>;
mark@grape.no <mark@grape.no>
Date: Monday, December 06, 1999 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: Vortex sounds "bottled" when bypassed- ot?

>I've noticed the mention of putting the unit in bypass... If it's on
>an aux send it's doubling your signal if it's in bypass. To kill the
>Vortex and avoid the doubling you'll have to turn either the Vortex
>return channel down or the aux send it's on. Bypass won't help you
>here. You can get great full stereo use of a Vortex on the Alt 3/4
>buss included on most Mackie mixers. That way you can just punch the
>button and send it off to the Vortex. If you return the Vortex to a
>channel strip you can then use aux buss processing to further mess
>with it or loop it.
>>>> mark <mark@grape.no> 12/06 2:00 AM >>>
>I think I have this problem too, when I plug directly in to the
>vortex, No Probs...however
>it appears "out of phase" when on the AUX sends.
>...so how do I make it "In Phase?"...please?
>MArk Red
>jpw77@together.net wrote:
>> Sounds like the Vortex is being put out of phase somewhere in your
>setup. Could be
>> cables  (swap 'em and see),another device inline with the Vortex,or
>your mixer. If
>> you're bringing it back into dedicated efx returns try two normal
>channels on the
>> board-on some mixers efx returns are (inexplicably) out of phase (
>maybe to
>> counteract the fact that the outputs of some budget efx boxes are
>out of phase). This
>> means your wet signal from the Vortex is out too, and should sound
>a lot better if you
>> track this down.
>> Jon Williams
>"In vodka Veritas"