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RE: Line6 DL4 $200 - Sam Ash website says 249.00

Well I guess you snooze you lose...it looked like a very good price, and I
know a few that ordered it at that price. I reckon they saw they had
valuable commodity!

>The Samash site indicates a price for $249 not $199. 
>G. Weideman
>> ----------
>> From:        Rik Myers[SMTP:zanga@mindspring.com]
>> Reply To:    Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
>> Sent:        Tuesday, December 07, 1999 10:50 PM
>> To:  Loopers-Delight@annihilist.com
>> Subject:     Line6 DL4 $200
>> I don't wish to be an enabler to any but thems that musts, but:
>> http://www.samash.com/shopping.htm
>> $199.99
>> I reckon that's about the best listed price out there, for now...BTW,
>> thems
>> thats gots PODs can use the POD adapter. I noticed that Slam Ass didn't
>> have one listed at their site, and this thing eats batteries.
>> Hasta -> Rico
>> ********************************************************
>> * Earth is an asylum for angels with amnesia - Emerson *
>> ********************************************************
* Earth is an asylum for angels with amnesia - Emerson *