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The local guitar center/mars stores were blowing them out for around $400, I heard at least one report of a floor demo model selling for $200. This is the american midwest (Minnesota). The Musicians' Friend catalog had it for $400 as well. Used? I don't know. I don't care if it had bad reviews, I was making some of the coolest hallucinogenic textures ever, right in the store and I wasn't even trying. They probably thought I was sick. Live electric guitar and loops in a borders? There is hope for me yet. I wanna do that. I gotta do some gigs or I'll just sit in my basement forever. Speaking of which, Rev 1 of "Loop 45", my 45 minute loop suite is pretty much done, but I have another long form piece I could make it morph into making it LOOP80. That would be a good thing, 80 minutes of looped insanity. Don't get me started!