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Re: Line 6 Dl4 questions and concerns

>Hey all-mind if i pick your brain-just bought a line 6-having a few 
>problems one being of my own doing and the other of line 6-
>1. i want the alt 3/4 out on my mixer to run through my line 6 however i 
>cannot seem to get a sound to go through it..i am using a 1402 mackie 
>mixer-any ideas-
I do this all the time with my Mackie 1202.  Are you sure you are sending 
signal to it?  You have to "mute" the tracks you want to send through the 
alt bus (at least on my 1202 and 1602).

>2. when i use the dl4 on my quiet ambient pieces (no i do not use it with 
>guitar as i do not play it) like with waterphone or minidisc i get this 
>click on the loop around it is there all the time-sometimes it is quieter 
>than others-it drives me crazy-any ideas on that-
>(no i am not riding the level hard at all)
I do mostly ambient stuff and I haven't noticed a click at all in the loop.

Maybe you have a bum unit?


Kevin Goldsmith                          kevin@unitcircle.com
Unit Circle Media                   http://www.unitcircle.com