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Pre-determined aleatoric looping


Another way of looping I also use,is this in the subject metioned.
This is a more complex method,including Midi-Loops.

In this case I use a Yamaha VL1m-synth for Soundgeneration over a
Midiguitar.The VL1m is mono/duophonic,but this isn´t really a limitation.
A sound of this device can be shaped by a lot Midi-controller messages.

In Forefront of Looping,I use several sources to create Midi controller
Maybe from radio.This signal is send to a extremley sharp Filterbank-
also known as Vocoder.I only open oned Filterband,the others are closed.
So only a small bandwith of this signal will go to the out.
This filtered signal will feed a Waldorf 4Pole,wich is able to scale
the Inputsignale into related Midi-controller Data.
I keep on going like that,with different Filtervalues,until I have 
enough Controllermessages for the VL1m.
This is recorded into a sequencer.After transfroming the Midi controller
messages to different sources,each one recorded on an own track,I make
loops for every track.Different timing values.

Now the Setup is ready for the real looping session.The Vl1m gets
fed with all this controller messages and I start to improvise with it
over the looping gear.As I don´t know how the sound really will be
at its appearance(because of this massive MidiControllerchanges),it can
be traced as an aleatory work.
The results are quiet amazing.

This can be done only with the VL1m and related synths.Because this
"physical modelling" machine reacts very subtile on Controllerchanges.
Like a real acoustic instrument.

So each looping is always a unique session and can not be recalled or
done a second time like that.A real human-machine interaction.

Maybe an idea for other ones.
