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Re: Roland VS880

The vs880 list looks alive to me


I've used a vs800 for about 3 yrs.  They are wonderful, but has a
learning curve to understand what is beneath the surface (behind the
tiny display).  Let me know if you have a specific question, offline.

I used to subscribe to the vs880 list, but as it grew to thousands of
members, hundreds of emails a day, mostly offtopic, I dropped off the
list. Just now I tried to find some documents on the roland us web site
that I had before that were helpful to me, but my old urls don't work
there anymore.  

They had a vs-880 supplemental guide that was easier to follow than the
manual.  You can search for roland documents at
and may find a vs-880 reference that is different and better than the
user manual.
have fun,

--- Chris Case <r-anima@qb3.so-net.ne.jp> wrote:
> Is anybody here using a Roland VS880?  I just purchased one, and have
> been searching the net for info. It seems there was a VS880 Mailing
> List, but it's apparently now defunct. Is this an appropriate place
> to
> ask questions about it?  I've been lurking here for a few months, and
> I
> expect that with the recent purchase I'll start to understand what
> people are talking about a bit better.

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