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Re: Composition and music list?

I'd hate to call you on this Michael, especially when you just got back, 
there really isn't a lot of discussion of 'contemporary techniques' at the 

We do talk about the techniques we're going to use for specific projects, 
but a lot of that is in the seperate project lists.

Most of what the CT Collective discusses is the actual compilations that 


>From: Nemoguitt@aol.com

>In a message dated 1/19/01 10:26:45 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>Jonathan@full-moon.com writes:
> > I want to start a new mailing list dedicated to the discussion of
> > contemporary techniques of music composition and expression - minimal 
> > discussion, minimal computer talk, nothing that wasn't focused on the
> > techniques of actually >making< of music, and of achieving those 
> > - melody writing, drum programming, playing over chord changes, 
> > songs, looping and effects techniques, and whatever it is that you do 
> > >make< your music.
> >
> >
>jonathan.....we do something like this over at CT-COLLECTIVE.....if you
>havent already, please checked out <www.loopxchange.com>.....michael

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