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Re: Line 6 Filter modeler

--- Richard Zvonar <zvonar@zvonar.com> wrote:
> At 4:39 AM -0700 4/30/01, Rick Walker (loop.pool) wrote:
> >perhaps we should forward all of these e-mails to [Line6].   They 
> >are a cool company and I, frankly, was really looking forward to 
> >this pedal.
> Hard to say how Line6 responds to customer feedback. I had some 
> correspondence with Steve DeFuria a while back, specifically about 
> their stomp boxes. I commented on the limited number of presets 
> supported and I made some suggestions about the design of a pro 
> version of same (along the lines of the POD Pro). His response was 
> terse and noncommittal: "I can't comment on what we may (or may not) 
> have under development, of course,  but it's always good to get 
> feedback about our products.  We value your comments and suggestions."

Well, you can't really expect anymore than that.  A new
product means a major investment in money and human resources
and requires buy-in all the way across the company.  A
customer support person just doesn't have the authority
to do any more than dutifully log customer suggestions.
Hopefully there's a critical mass of like-minded suggestions....


Dumeril7                    dumeril7@SPAMBEGONEyahoo.com
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