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At 08:26 p.m. 26/06/01 +0200, you wrote: hi luigi >Another freeware I found that has the possibility of quadriphonic output >is >the Modplug Tracker (which in the last incarnation can even use VST >plug-ins) - well, it can save its mixdowns to quadriphonic .Wav files with >various degrees of sample rate and bits, and I find it to be very useful >and >with a good computer it supports up to 128 voices of poliphony - not that >bad for a free software ain't it? may you know the address where to download the plug-in ? thanks a lot from València (Mare Nostrum) Junkie G Doctor_Sax_News "cheers from catalonia, which language, people and culture have been harassed by centralists in spain through the years"