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Do you have a Live365 station? If not, why? It sure would be swell. Alan Imberg wrote: > It is because of Bill's weekly posting that I knew EMUSIC existed. I sent > Bill a copy of my most recent CD and he found it appropriate for playing >on > his show earlier this month. Though I couldn't listen to my music on the > radio as I'm 3000 miles away, I did get some satisfaction in knowing that > somewhere in the world my music was being sent over the airwaves. For >this, > I am grateful. I appreciate and welcome Bill's list each and every week. > > >Bill > >have you EVER thought that not everybody here CAN listen to a small FM > >station from Allentown? > >or are we all from US? I don't send my stuff since I know the majority >of > >people here would never be able to get to it anyways. > >Evidently you never thought about that! > > > >Italo > > Dear Italo, > > I'd have to be a vegetable AND dumb as sticks to have never thought about > that. > What kind of a mouth breathing Philistine do you think I am? My >playlists > have > nothing to do with one's ability to receive WDIY. My playlists are > encouragement to musicians that there IS an outlet for their creativity, > even if > they aren't a "big name" like Steve Roach or Robert Rich or Dweller at >the > Threshold. My playlists are an aid to music lovers who want to find out >new > musicians to investigate. I dare say that I've been posting my playlists > here > with Kim's blessing for longer than you've been a member. And LD members > have > appeared on my playlists when their music fits the EMUSIC format. I feel > that > my playlists are a valuable service. Testimony from people belonging to >a > variety of mailing lists exists to prove it is successful in that >capacity. > Your mileage may vary. > > >----- Original Message ----- > >From: "David Beardsley" <> > >To: <>; <> > >Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 4:18 PM > >Subject: Re: EMUSIC Playlist #224 > > > >> I'd prefer not to receive your play lists at all, > >> but get it anyway because I subscribe to all > >> sorts of lists. How about you stop sending it > >> to all these lists, start your own Yahoo list > >> and give people a choice in the matter? > >> > >> db > > Dear David, > > You have the choice to press delete. I'm sure that you expect that there > will > be some messages on a mailing list that you find to be of less interest >to > you > than other messages. No list can provide 100% interesting messages to >100% > of > its readership. And from my sig, you'll notice that I HAVE a Yahoo list. > It's > been around for a while now (since March). Unless Kim deems my playlists > too > far off topic, you'll continue to see them here on LD. If Kim says the > word, my > playlists are history on LD. > > Best regards to all, > > Bill > > >============================================================================ > === > Host of EMUSIC, an electronic, ambient, and space music show. Thursdays >at > 11 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem and 93.9 FM in Easton and > Phillipsburg. Email me if you wish to submit music for airplay > consideration. > Radio Station Home Page: > Personal site: > To subscribe to the EMUSIC on WDIY list, send > email to: