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Re: Repeater Synch Workaround.

Yes, I do mean a silent track.  Only one is needed, as it defines all four
track lengths.  Since nothing is on it, I went into overdub mode, but I 
replace would work just as well, and not have any possible overlap.


Tim Goodwin wrote:

> What is a "blank loop"?  Do mean record a silent track at a desired 
> This will create a loop with one recorded track, not a "blank loop".  Do 
> then record over your initial reference track in "replace" mode or are 
> recording to a new track?
> The folks at Electrix mentioned that it's normal for the tempo readout to
> flux by 1 or 2 tenths of a second from midi clock as the Repeater is in 
> sync mode.  It's not clear to me if it is a readout issue or if the 
> is accurately displaying Repeater's true tempo.  My assumption is the 
> And I also assume that it's probably imperceptible as long as it is 
> with 1 or 2 tenths of a second from the clocked time.  What do you guys
> think?
> --
> Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Sottilaro [mailto:sine@zerocrossing.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 9:30 AM
> To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
> Subject: Repeater Synch Workaround.
> The only way I can figure out to defeat it is to first,
> record a blank loop while in "USER" synch mode at a desired tempo, one 
> matches your sequence. <...>
> I wonder  if I'd get better results if my midi clock were not going
> through a MIDI merge, so that I can get footcontrol and clock.