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this part looked good: on 9/14/01 8:20 PM, Kevin Mulvihill at wrote: > we > need to find better ways of hearing and acting on these concerns so that > folks don't feel the need for such extreme action. so thought to add this: Not missing the forest. No one here has or is condoning what went down. It is not unamerican to say "i love my country, but", in fact the contrary may be the case. There may be no long term solution but to consider our role in the world and the impact it has on others, of whom there is a long line of replacements and much much more hianous(sp?) acts possible(don't forget chemical and don't believe they weren't used in the Gulf War, I was there in the US Army when they were used). Look into the radioactive rounds we used and what it's done to the children of that country. Blame it on saddam? If you know anything about the middle east then you have to know the history of our puppet gov't of iran in the shah, Mosadeq' overthrow and the CIA's retaking withing weeks, the shah trying to actually act for the welfare of his people and long term self sufficiency for when the oil ran out, when he suggested opec raise prices and cut prduction and began talks with the soviets on an alternate source of defense equipemnt-in addition to the clamor the CIA ran iranian secret police had raised on human rights violations, the the US actually brokered in Khomeini and then being mad that he then said "guess what i said i'd work with you but i lied", that the us in embarrasment and anger froze iranian assets including dozens of paid in advance f-15s(or was it 14's?) which arent cheap, tanks, and other equip-all their stuff came from the u s, they were a puppet imperialist holding of the us. Some people took some people hostage and then Ronald Reagan while placating the public with talk, arranged with ollie north to provide iran with resupply of badly needed parts through israel, paid for by a slush fund from nicarauguan drug sales. The reason the parts were so needed is that Saddam Hussein, who had tried to attack Iran plenty of times before but was underequipped and slapped down each time, was massively built up by the US to punish Iran for mistakes in US foreign policy. Some of the guys directly involved in the blunder and everything that came after: Warren Christopher, Zbigniew Bryaenski, Cyrus Vance. So we gave 15 BILLION dollars to Iraq to kill Iranians and between 1980 and 1988 that's exactly what he did, using conventional, chemical and biological weapons he attacked and killed 600,000 iranians(for reference that's 60 times the number of people they project were killed last week. 600,000 dead and 1.5 million wounded, despite what people sometimes think these were actual real human beings with pictures of their families in their wallets(I was working in a record store for 2.35 per hour here and my taxes went to saddam and he kille my uncle there, a civil engineer). Some of the cannisters used to disperse the chemicals had us markings right on the drums. Did anyone in the us care about that? 1.5 million, oh they were just insert racist expletives here (did they even know, anymore than the average "well educated" person here knows what's going on now?) So in Iraq there is a massive monument shaped and colored like a giant blood drop and the entire roof of the inside is lined with the heads of iranians they killed. NONE of that is the fault of the Iraqi people who are as powerless and decent and lied to as we are here. IT is the us that made him more than just a petty tyrant. That war broke Iran which was, thanks to the vision of the growing a conscience shah, on the road to total self dependence not reliant on oil. we fixed that, broke them by building up an aggresive amoral saddam and then in came the IMF with "Hey, uh, i hear you're in a little money trouble, friend. Hopefully you know something about how that tune goes as it's been sung so often in so many different languages, but it's all just business, right? bad US foreign policy. bad world leadership. bad karma Then we shot down an iranian passenger plane killing all two hundred people on board. Firs they said it was sending the wrong transponder signal, then they said it was in international waters. The us was tried and convicted in international court and made to pay something like 50 thousand for each breadwinning life, and like 9 thousand for each non-bread winning life. Gee and here i thought a human body was only worth 5 dollars for the raw materials? You could get more for selling your body organs, which is just what some of the mothers in iraq have had to do to get normal inexpensive (here) medicines and treament and even food for their starving children because of the us. But I'm getting ahead of myself. So both of the claims were proven false: the transponder was showing civilian airliner and they were on their normal flight path well inside of iranian air space. The us was tried and convicted of terrorism in international court. Only here, the way it went down was when they got back to the US they were given a ticker tape parade and lauded as heroes. The commander and crew of the Vicennes were called "heroes" and were soon given medals and promotions and that was that. Since then the CIA has been running a little operation out of Iraq billed as a dissendent group: run and staffed by the CIA under the name of Mujadeen Khalq. They make incursions into Iran, into markets and blow up bombs. Regularly. The wealthy white folks who screwed up royally with what they did with their puppet gone real king are still pissed and racist to this day and still trying to take it out on the iranian people, who have it hard enough. (Yes their government sucks in lots of ways, but for right now I'm going to consider that a side issue.) They built up saddam on the left side(physically of Iran and allowed and helped Pakistan build up the Taliban on the right, with the same philosphy, including one Osama bin laden. Iran has helped Ahmed massoud shah, the most respected leader in fighting badck the russian army there, who now only holds about 5 percent of afganistan in the north. The taliban are well armed with about everything pakistand has(hopefully except their nukes) and everything the US did to build them up, which was alot. The innocent people of that country have sufferec beyond our ability to comprehend, are in a 4 year drought, and under the oppresion of the regime WE built up there. Incidentally, this last Sunday Ahmed Massoud went to talk to the press and two Taliban suicide bombers with a TV camera full of explosives blew themselves up, assasinating Ahmed Massoud. The explosions around Kabul were the former Ahmed massoud's forces from the 5 percent of the north they still hold, striking back at the Pakistani armed Taliban for assasisinating their leader. This is the same Taliban that assasinated Iranian diplomats and Un workers there not long ago. Bad foreign policy, see the theme? Israel recieves 13.5 billion in US taxpayer dollars each year. They have tanks, fighter jets, artillery, and every kind of modern weaponry you could imagine. When they captured that land from the palestinians they killed well over 20,000 people and took their beachfront land. The israeli people should have a state in their ancestral home. So should the palestinians, only they are treated like dogs(I mean by the government/army and some non-representative bad people, there are LOTS of totally decent, good,, caring and moral jewish people in Israel and here and for that matter, in Iran) in an apartheid state which is at war with it's second class citizens. One side has NBC weapons, tanks fighterjets, helicopter gunships, etc. the other side has to make to with stick and rocks, a few guns, grenades and molotov cocktails. plus some estes-like rockets. American bombs from american weopons killing their babies. Of course they are going to be pissed at us. Though like the Israelis, the one's doing the bad stuff don't define the race/culture/religion. There are decent, good, caring an moral people, but you won't see them on your news channel this week, you just see the ones that tried to fight back, you just see the kids with the flags and candy. How many palestinians killed today? "root out terror" in "response" to the "guerillas". Anyone seen this approach which bush is suggesting we take on, actually reduce terrorism in that part of the world? Okay, now how about increase? Lets not forget US disarming the Muslims in Bosnia and Yugoslavia, then standing by as the serbs lined them up and robbed, raped, killed them and buried them in mass graves. Countless shit in South America, Africa, elsewhere. We knew about the genocide in Rowanda and did NOTHING, the quote starbucks armchair political experts like to parrot the newsreader that paint the canvas of their political awareness was "We don't have a 'Vital economic interest' there". "F" that, man those were human being and we didn't help because the wealthy white men and their pathetic colin powerl in washington who call the shots decide that we really DON"T have "vital corporate interests" and the people won't like or vote for them if some of their kids die to save some blacks from genocide. If it were england or they had Oil or Gum trees we'd be there, but it's africa and they were black and we didn't. In ethiopia/eritria what did we do to stop the killing of the 15 million people who died in that protracted civil war. You better believe we sold us some weapons, boy. in the duty free zones our corporate lobbies have created, workers are treated like replacable commodities: unsafe conditions, inhuman hours, no benefits, if they get sick or pregnant, they are simply replaced. If they should try to organize, they are dissapeared. but it gets us cheap goods with high margins, baby. How would you feel if you'd been born there? What about the price of a head of lettuce here? Illegal workers are "allowed" to work for subhuman wages while living in subhuman unsanitary conditions, with no healthcare or benefits of any kind under threat of deportation in the event of a problem. All so we can have a cheaper head of lettuce and look down at them as they walk past in some jacked up car while we're having some nice sanitary meal in a restaurant. People here living in the streets, the plight of the mentally ill, the homeless, the elderly, the disabled. It's a national disgrace. How about 40 billion for them? Capitalism can be translated to "everyman(and woman) for his(and her) self", which is great if you're on top, not so great if you're not. Opportunity. Only the gap is widening. The cost of basic things is rising up to build a wall between the haves and have nots. I for one would not be surprise to see a headline in the the next few years like "Patronage: rethinking indentured servancy". have you ever been hungry? It is violence whose scars don't go away when you can finally get a meal. Imagine working your 40-60 hours and then all of a sudden you are told you will be paid half as much. That's the kind of power the IMF has over societies whom they have floated a "load" in times of need(which they may or may not have had a hand in creating). Even with our faults, we take so much for granted here that others don't ever get to know. I can tell you after living in the sand for 9 months in the Gulf war, living on a cot in a tent without a floor and eating shitty bag meals that i am stil grateful for every meal i am able to get, every soft place i have to sleep, every comfort and moment of peace to reflect. But I'm still a spoiled bastard compared to what much of the world knows as life. Is it really such a secret that so much of our comfort has come/comes at someone else's cost? Like in Thomas dolby's classic tune "Budapest By Blimp": Over pillars and palaces I'll hold your hand Until the fog has lifted May be better you hold me close than understand How are away I've drifted In the face of a tragedy too bleak to know The death of some grand illusion All the treasure we pilloried, splendour we stole They never taught you that in school... Here's a map and a diagram, a shrivelled page Ripped from the book of history see the priceless antiquity frozen in time Built on the ashes of the Jews And for your curiosity, beauty sublime Signed in the blood of Zulus Is it really so hard to handle the truth, in a country built by genocide and "rooting out and handling the 'terror' of it's previous inhabitants, the american indians. An empire in decay, built on the backs of african american and black slaves, of the poor by the rich, until the companies had to turn outside our borders to get cheap labor without workers rights to maximize profits and give us cheap goods. Those who are still disenfranchised we tell to work within the system. Some have died working within the system. Some have advocated freedom by any means necessary. Killing others is NEVER right, but does that mean we have to close our eyes to the legacy we've been creating in the world? What kind of solution is that? And for those who still want blood in revenge for last week, since people who do things like this have already decided that it's worth it to them to cash in their own life for some principle they believe in that's bigger than themself, erring as they do in dehumanizing their victims, what good will executing them do? Timothy mcVeigh knew he was trading his life for a cause he believed in before during and after doing it, even though it was wrong to kill innocent and even not innocent people, playing god and killing him(also without a fair trial cause we already KNEW he was guilty). This is not cowardice, it it mass murder from good intentions gone astray, which is still mass murder, but from where the mind of the people doing this are coming from, it is an act of total courage and commitment, not cowardice. In case you need this emphasize to be clear I am not condoning anything anyone's done to hurt anyone ever. Simple as that. But instead of the blood lust, first for someone middle eastern, then for timothy mcviegh, why wasn't anyone asking why he felt so strongly about that? Was the killing of innocent civilians who might worship somewhat differently from the way most people do at Waco really just a source of water cooler jokes? The charges the whole raid were made on, the whole premise, were proven unsubstantiated? Have you seen the whole footage of the attack/murder of those people, including the footage of the ATF agents shooting/their own people? of the residents being shot in cold blood, of them asking for media, of the thermal images of where the kids were and the fire being inserted into the building and tanks running back and forth over the bunker where the kids were known to be hiding until it collapsed on them. Since when is knowingly killing innocent children okay? But two wrongs don't make a right, and that's why Timothy McViegh acted no more Christian than those hijackers were Muslim, than we all are decent human beings-if we, like them, emulate our oppresors, go for two wrongs because Bush sees an opportunity to take the focus off what's happenned to the country/world since he took office, because congressmen and senators want to get kickbacks from PAC lobbyist for contracts that will result from a fat defense budget that will come out of my and your social security, because the media newsreaders(who struggle not to laugh) each want to be the next household newsreader name and jerk their heads up and down with suggestive nodding while they lull you to sleep with half truths and the irrelevant. Two people in a firebird tried to run me over/hit at high speed me while i was in the middle of a crosswalk during my morning run the other day,they veered toward the direction i moved in then and were glaring right at me and hollaring out some things too stupid to write as they sped off laughing. No problem, I've been beaten and discriminated against by bigots who got that way because they let themselved slip into projecting hate on easy targets when trying to deal with emotions they didn't have a lot of experience with, which i can empathize with. Even if my fellow citizens of California do us like they did the Japanese it'll be fine: I'm already really poor so the living arrangements wont be much different, althogh it would be harder to lose the piano than my rights as a citizen:), it'd be all expenses paid and then afteward who knows, maybe a cash settlement. Sky's the limit babe. Norm Mineta, our current secretary of transportation, was interned by his fellow californians as a young Japanese american after pearl harbor, and look where he made it to. On second thought, hate away!!!:):):) just kidding. the thing is people are slipping into hate. Middle easter and muslim centers are being attacke with firebombs in some parts of the country. A man stabbed a middle eastern gas station attendant with a two foot machete. An elderly man chased a muslim woman with his car and followed her into a shop and stabbed her. A mob of people carrying american flags and chanting "USA,USA,USA" bum rushed a mosque and beat people up and chased them out. Cab drivers are being pulled out of their cars and beaten. Little girls are being cruelly harassed about their scarf by other children, who learned it from their parents. It's just not neccesary. You like to think that we've become more civilized, more spiritually evoloved, enlightened. But the opposite is true. There are a hundred ways to try to defend and rationalize it but hate is still hate. the enemy is within. two wrongs don't make a right. Peace, love and understanding for ourselves and others may sound cliche, but it's important. We can also look at how we've behaved and try to be better. That can't hurt. I thank God that these guys really were trying, while homicidally, to only make a largely symbolic act, if a murderous and unforgivable one only made possible because they were stupidly amoral enough to dehumanize the people who would get killed by their mission so they didn't have to think of what they were doing as wrong. Because it could have been worse: if they wanted to kill americans, per se, they could have taken a plane or planes into a nuclear reactor or two, and that would have killed and injured several states worth of people and no way to clean it up. Or they could have used chemical weapons. Making people eat with forks and spoons in airports is nice but mostly to make people think that it's all safe now, but a person could carry a gas which they had taken the antidote for in a hair spray can, a perfume bottle, a snickers bar and knock everybody out, including an "air marshall". i don't like to think about it either. Once every couple of years i save up enough money to fly to disneyland, which i consider close to heaven and this stuff scares the shit out of me, but if we're going to focus on it, let's be real. They could cross a border or paddle in on a wooden boat that wouldn't show up on radar with a tennis ball can with enough chemical agent to hurt alot of people. It doesn't take much imagination to imagine worse, our water, our air, etc. I'd say as horrible as it sounds, that we were lucky. And that rather than going with President Kill's hate parade, in the long run, a world that really runs on trust and trust in human nature would be a safer place for all of us if we tried to be more trustworthy in the world, tried to get our corporations to be more ethical, stopped supporting despots and messing with other countries politics and economies and playing god, but that's just an opinion from a concerned citizen. Not that the greed inherant in capitalism would ever let that happen as long as that's the kind of country we are, but just so say that there's a chance that understanding and trying to be good and lead by example could work in the long run.