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I would like to propose a theory of mine: "The aesthetic of a tool or instrument greatly determines the way a user will interact with it" The dictionary defines aesthetic this way: aesthetic adj :1. relating to the philosophical principles of aesthetics 2. sensitive to or appreciative of art or beauty 3. pleasing in appearance But I like to constantly remind myself that aesthetic is the antonym to anesthetic or lack of feeling. Therefore, I define aesthetic in the context on how something affects your senses - ALL your senses. Something can be aesthetically pleasing, or bland, or smelly, or dissonant, or disturbing. Nobody on this list can tell me that they are not affected by what their senses tell them about the world around them. You cannot tell me that you will play the same on a pristine perfect steinway concert grand as opposed to a baldwin upright. That is because the steinway grand has an astonishing effect on your senses, it feels smooth to play, it looks extremely dashing, putting your hand on the wood gives you a cool, smooth feeling, and best of all it pleases your ears because it sounds so good. It is likely that you will play very well on it, but it is also likely that your playing will be more reserved and less risky. You might not think to reach inside and pluck the strings for effect the way you might on a baldwin upright missing its cover in your living room. what am I getting at: I'm not sure, but I know that the EDP has a very functional, simple, and "down-to-business" aesthetic. This has affected how I use the instrument. It is not a toy, it is a professional quality looping tool, that isn't fooling around. Other machines that most would call aesthetically pleasing look like toys in comparison. The EDP faceplate clearly broadcasts a signal which deters people who just want to fool around with "laying down a loop and endlessly noodling." Now is it good business practice to limit your sales to a select group of die-hards? No. If what you want to do is make money, you have to fool your customers into buying your widget. Then ideally to make more money you need to keep fooling them into being happy once they've bought your widget, so they tell their friends to buy your widget. the single best way to fool consumers in America is to make it look and feel better than your competitors. The common consumer in america has NO IDEA what is inside any of the widgets they own, they have to judge everything on what their senses tell them. In fact most common consumers aren't really even in touch with their own senses, they need to be told what to like by the mass media (but that's a whole other story). If you want to make a quality product whose few owners are incredibly happy with their purchase, you have to do what you have to do. Often this doesn't include bending over backwards for pleasing aesthetic design - and none of US care, in fact its kind of endearing... Jon _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at