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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | writes: >On the subject of naming stuff (Frippertronics, Belewps etc), isn't it >just about things being memorable? Perhaps, market >driven, perhaps an affectation, or sinisterly perhaps an attempt to claim >credit for things as yet unlabeled (x-ref the >entire history of the British Empire). I think that there's something >within >contemporary western culture that drives us to >label stuff (maybe it's an innate human trait, but I'm nowhere near >detatched >enough from my cultural context to make such a >judgement) - i'd tend towards that last..... > I spent a long time trying to encapsulate what I do in a pithy >way, and came up with AmbiEntertainment - partly >cos it does seem to describe the tension inherent in my gigs between being >a performance and me not really minding being part >of a general sonic environment, but also just cos it's a cute word, that >I've not heard anyone else use before (though I very >much doubt that such an obvious link is completely original...) my own inclinations towards self-labeling also involves a need to cleverly respond to folks when they query, 'uhhh, so , uhhh..... what kinda music do you play?' (i used to say: blues). >- there's >an element of affectation in there, and some >silliness, but also the desire in all of us to stand out in some way, >which >nicely brings me onto what SPG said... >> >In any event I was looking for something that *I* could get my own distinct >> >sound out of, as opposed to attempting to replicate the work of either >> >Fripp or Eno. >> >I threw out or erased more material I'd composed just because >> >it sounded like someone else's stuff >Is it more important to be 'original' or be 'good'? We all love the notion >that we could be innovators. Some of us (DT being >a bright shining beacon of innovation in our midst) are, i consider myself to be 'forward-thinking', but not particularly innovative. >but most of us >are ostensibly assimilators (I think that perhaps >every musical intention is innovative in someway, though maybe there is >such a thing as negative innovation?). though the language is a bit different --- i said 'synthesiser', for your 'assimilator' --- that's the 'labeling' distinction that i was trying to draw..... >Is that a bad >thing? Is Fripp any less influential in either real or theoretical terms >because he was taking that which was being caried >out largely in academia and then regurgitating it in a pop context (or >even that which was being used in a fringe pop way, >and making it a little more mainstream)? no, i don't think so!, and, i certainly wasn't ever degrading rf's role as a **major** influence, in this oeuvre..... not at all, though someone may have misinterpreted my ridiculous blabbering thusly..... i was, though, attempting to illustrate how easily 'popular opinion' can recast 'history', and that i react very negatively to that. >I'm a firm believer in credit >where it's due, so it would be nice if peope perceived >as innovators were a little more vocal in crediting sources. .....very unusual, for musicians to do so. >On a small >scale, I'm fairly quick to point out to people who >have had no other introduction to looping, e-bow, solo bass or whatever >else I might be dabbling in at the time that I'm not >the only person in the world using those things, and that what I do is >a mish-mash of influences, some of whom loop, and some >of whom I then list (Frisell, Manthing, Levin, Jonatha Brooke, Spearhead, >Lewis Taylor, Don Ross, Stevie Wonder, Paul Hinklin >etc...) good on ya, mate..... >I think I'd struggle to not at least sound partly like me... being me >tends >to get in the way of not sounding like me. Myopia >about one artist can sometimes lead to clone mode, but if one's desire >is to create music of substance rather than pastiche, >are obvious influences a bad thing? i don't think so, especially when one can validate those acknowledgements as 'respectful', as opposed to 'abusive'. >At the moment I'm fortunate that my >biggest influence (Frisell) plays a different >instrument it me, and uses a whole different bunch of gear, so his >reflection >in my music is perhaps less obvious that it >would be if I played a Klein, and anyway the things that took him to where >he is, and the influences that shape me are going >to be way different. Is Frisell a closet Kajagoogoo obsessive, does he >dig the Spice Girls and Pantera? He certainly didn't >spend two or three years touring round Europe with a second-rate Canadian >singer-songwriter, and I've never played with >Zorn... So I'm not going to worry about his influence blocking my individuality, >or overtaking whatever else is going on in >my own musical journey. In fact, it becomes a clarifying lense, as in exploring >some of the compositional, improvisational >and performance models that I've encountered in his work, I've obviously >be drawn down other routes that work better within >my skill set, sonic paradigm and gear-pile... right. >So is it more important to be original than good? it's more important to be 'personal', imho. >obviously a combination >is preferable, but if one is choosing aims and >goals, are either valid? Or is self-expression at any cost the goal? or >is it, like the rest of life, driven by the pursuit >of meaning, which seems to have morphed somewhere in the last few years >into the pursuit of novelty... i believe that you're posing such personal questions, here, that only you can answer --- what 'we' ('we', as in vonnegut's 'granfalloon'-sense) think is materially immaterial, or, well..... maybe i think it should be. >Right I'm off before I >start quoting Michael Franti, high priest of all things good in the >world... >:o) would that that were so! >Thoughts, clarifications, rebuttles and general musings on any or all of >the above greatly appreciated - I'm still fumbling >my way through alot of these questions... as me is, too. best, dt / s-c