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That really does sound like a power supply with an intermittent short somewhere. Mark Sottilaro On Sunday, March 24, 2002, at 06:29 AM, o.malhomme wrote: > You may remember (I don't think so but anyway) I poste a few month ago a > message my Jam Man went suddenly dead, with all leds lighting at start > up and then the unit going dead. > > I had checked the wall wart to no result. > > I couldn't find any one to repair it here (in France) or at a price > totally insane. > BUT the whole point of this message is the unit suddenly is working > again, and I want to share the solution in case it would happen to > anyone... > > A friend of mine proposed me to have a look inside the rack, since > anyway, there is nothing I could do, in a search of anything easy to > identify visually. > > We then proceeded in unplugging everything that was pluuged in the Jam > Man > - input/output cable > - midi in > - a bunch of Proel momentary switches (in fact, sustain pedals that can > be assembled together like a puzzle and that you can switch in > latched/unlatched mode). > > I forgot the plug of the wallwart. > > And then the unit when on again, totally normally! > > This has happened once again recently (remaking all ground connections > in my studio, and with protected circuits against lightning, and "above > normal voltage"). at restartup: dead jam man again. I unplugged the > switches and replugged them again, and everything was back normal. > > Weird. But conveniently reassuring. > Not to mention a working jam man ! > > I don't have any explanation to provide for this but I am a happy > camper. > Maybe it can help... > > Olivier Malhomme > > > >