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> > Windowing is allowing the Undo function to work even when it > shouldn't. Every time you Overdub new sounds the EDP records > onto a new section of memory, so when you Undo normally you're > just going back in memory by one cycle. > When you change the cycle length it wouldn't really > make sense to still have this function, as you'll be jumping back > into odd cut up sections of your earlier loops. > However this is exactly what you CAN do with loop4. Ahh, that clears it up (never quite understood the 'Undo bug' in version 3). The sounds are pretty unpredictable, as my own memory loses track of what was played when, and new cycle length totally recontextualizes everything. This is huge fun (esp with the 8th quantize) and a rich source of 'found sound'! > This was so popular that Matthias improved it for > Loop4, and Kim put it in the manual as a feature. The manual explanation is pretty thorough, but I appreciate your willingness to hold my hand here. Speaking to Andre's comment about wanting more discourse on EDP and looping, I offer myself as the 'fool' who is willing to ask questions, and implore others more shy than me to do the same. I think more conversation will be facilitated by a little overkill, or redundancy, rather than emphasizing "RTFM" and defaulting to silence...Esp. in light of the awkward jargon necessary to discuss the EDP. There probably isn't a better way of discussing it, as some have proposed. But I think the liberal use of examples, patiently explained, as you and Andre have, will go a long way towards getting the current users, and potential new users up to speed. > > favourite-trick-of -the -moment > loopswithinloops > > Quant=8th, InsertMode=Sub (or rPL) > 8th/cycle=8th. > > Record a loop of about 1s. > Then play sustained notes and use > InsertButton to "drop in" 8th note fragments. > After a while do a Multiply to about 16 cycles. > Then when you Undo (longpress is better) you > can hear the original short loop gradually evolving > during the new long loop. Looking forward to trying this. Thanks Andy. I know its early in the game, but I'm trying to figure on which of the DirectMidi commands would be best programmed from the footpedal (PMC10 in my case) vs a manual controller (PC1600, keyboard, etc..). Idea being to not have to change footpedal banks too often, but also having availability of those juicy commands without taking hands off instrument... This will become more clear in time, but... Any feedback on this is welcome... Neil