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Re: sample based looping vs. delay looping

On Thursday, August 8, 2002, at 09:04 PM, Mark Sottilaro wrote:

> The "bump" that exists seems to be so subtle to me that I can't imagine 
> it being noticeable unless you're drone is almost featureless.

Its pretty noticable when I use open string and harmonic drones on the 
violin.... and yes, it is *HUGELY* noticable, and completely destroys 
the ambience that I am trying to create by introducing an unwanted and 
uncontrollable rhythmic click - which is pretty hard to try to play a 
non-bpm'd improvised gypsy solo over the top. I do not play with any 
other instruments/backing tracks to hide this glitch in the Repeater....

> Is there a big need for that in most music?

Maybe not most music, but definitely some, including mine.

I demonstrated this glitch to Emmanuel, first playing flawlessly on the 
DL4 to prove what I could do, then tried the same with the Repeater... 
it failed every time.
Stuart Wyatt - Solo String Project