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>The point is that not every show has to be centered around the Very insightful observation, there. Often we concertgoers have certain expectations when we go to shows--it's inevitable, but can take away from the full experience. This reminds me of one of the most unbelievable performances I ever saw in the rock world, Tool. The musicians were completely concentrated on the entire musical performance--i.e., no showboating, strutting, solos, etc. The music was developed further than the recordings were, but there were no egotistical "jams". Indeed, Maynard (the vocalist), was positioned on a platform behind the guitarist and bassist, with very little lighting centered on him. The video show was equally fantastic and very spiritual, and fully demonstrated the almost Tantric potential that a really good rock band could have. It was quite refreshing. Also, on a looping note, during a twenty minute buildup before the band took the stage, they blasted one of Fripp's longer soundscapes ("2000" from the album 1999) before leading into some great Tibetan overtone chants. Just thought I'd share the experience you guys... Best, jonathan
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