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OT: review in NY Rock

Title: OT: review in NY Rock
OT: shameless, self promotion, in NY Rock....The "assorted/spatial noises"
are my attempts at looping, etc w/ my dod d-12....

NYRock.com recently reviewed your cd:

Scott Hansen, d2r (© 2002 ANSM Inc.)
So, yeah, everyone has computers now, digital recorders, and tons of blank CDs to burn. What does it mean? Well, for starters, it means I get discs like this one, with 38 tracks of fun, though that word is used facetiously. Does the fact that anyone can record mean everyone should record? It's kind of like the thousand chimps typing - one will eventually pound out Shakespeare. Anyhoo, Hansen intersperses his songs with musical interludes, meaning you get assorted noises in between the more normal verse-chorus-type songs. Is it any good? Well, spatial noises as far as art is concerned is a matter of mood - at the moment it's okay, but if I were in a shitty mood, I'd say this were just aural jerking off, and advise the guy to sell hot dogs or cut lawns for a living. As for his wordy, folky stuff, it's low-grade coffeehouse music, not well produced (the vocals clip all over the place), and what can I say? Give me two with mustard please.