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Re: not very reliable live?

Yeah, it happened a few times, but mostly it would go into a mysterious 
reboot mode.  Sometimes it would come out of it on it's own, other 
times no.  I found I could make it happen by lightly tapping the case.  
I re seated every damn component in the thing, but nothing helped.  
Probably a tiny crack in a solder joint or something.  Common, but a 

good luck,

Mark Sottilaro

On Friday, October 11, 2002, at 05:33  AM, Louie Angulo wrote:

> Hi Mark,
> Oh shit you mean it could be the EDP? Can you develop
> more? did it do it ocassionally at first?
> louie
>> Are you sure it was the Repeater that made the loud
>> static noise?  I
>> had that exact problem... but with the EDP.  I had
>> to send it away for
>> repair at it became unusable.
>> Mark Sottilaro
>> On Wednesday, October 9, 2002, at 11:42  PM, Louie
>> Angulo wrote:
>>> I also had a strange problem with the
>> repeater,they
>>> are by the way the new os1.1 versions;
>>> The first one i got just plain stop working after
>> 4
>>> days out of the box as i was changing  midi
>> cables.I
>>> then got a new one and a few days later as i was
>>> playing, it made a very lound horrible static
>> noise.It
>>> semms to have affected the EDP as well since it
>> was
>>> showing some sort of reset countdown in the
>> screen.I
>>> turned everything off and on again and it•s been
>>> healthy ever since.I haven•t tried the repeater
>> live
>>> yet but i•d hate to go through that!
>>> Anyone else with similar cases?
>>> cu
>>> Louie
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