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Re: Feedom-Music? (was: Please lets all sit...)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthias Grob" <matthias@grob.org>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 23:22:PM
Subject: Re: Feedom-Music? (was: Please lets all sit...)

> >
> >I suspect that when I have the time to go on and on about What I Do, I'm
> >doing whatever It is.  I *do* know that What I Do is certainly *not*
> >about It, nor teaching anyone to do It.  Instead I prefer to, as the 
> >ads used to say, "Just Do It".
> thats what I did, so far, but there is no reason to "go on and on".
> When you know what you do, you do it *and* can offer it to others
> that ask you what you do, no?

I suppose it's one of the reasons I tend to wait to be asked before just
assuming everyone wants to know. :)  Perhaps it's fortunate that I'm also a
cartoonist, hm?  Reg'lar folks unnerstand THAT...!

> Musicians usually do this naturally when they create their album
> cover, site, stage visual...

I find though that PLANNING same can sometimes be a disingenous-feeling
process, as if one is being more contrived, perhaps.  Sometimes I prefer it
to just happen, given a set of parameters/perimeters, with everything in
between a "wonderful accident".

> I like "soundtrack for life at the moment", by the way!

What music do YOU have playing in your head when you're walking down the

I had a dream the other night, I was above the banks of a rushing river,
right before a waterfall.  Floating down the river, buoyant as boats, were
structures of energy, like spherical tinkertoys, the spheres being
sub-structures to the whole, in a sense like each one for a single
track/instrument/pattern.  The structures were entire songs, the ones I
compose in my head when I'm just tottering around, and they passed me, each
playing unique music, before falling over the falls, and out of earshot.
And, probably, out of immediate memory.  I was certain in the dream that 
songs going past were NEW to me, nothing I'd done before -- and I had to
watch their "death", all the time realizing that I wasn't recording them in
any way.

It's like that sometimes I suppose.  If I like the piece or two I've
constructed upstairs, it'll make it home in recent memory, enough for me to
execute a draft of sorts and keep it for later.  But lately I think of all
the songs that just aren't going to exist as anything other than temporary
personal soundtrack music, before flowing off into the fugue-like mass of 
the past, never to be seen but perhaps in parts, emerging in other pieces
sometime in the future.  I've counted a sad ratio of 1:10 that make it 
and wonder what things would be like being able to compose-record more

S.P. Goodman
EarthLight Productions
http://www.earthlight.net/Gallery - Cartoons and Illustrations!
http://www.earthlight.net/HiddenTrack - Cartoons via Medialine!