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WDIY 88.1 FM "EMUSIC" Top 20 report to New Age Voice and CD Revolutions for October, 2002. Shows #289 to #293; 3-October-2002 to 31-October-2002 Reported in non-ranked order. CONTACT: ARTIST - ALBUM TITLE - LABEL ============================ Alpha Wave Movement - A Distant Signal - HRR Cyber Zen Sound Engine - Auslander - N-Light-N Free System Projekt - Atmospheric Conditions - Quantum Harold Grosskopf - Digital Nomad - AMP Jeff Greinke - Wide View - Hypnos Jeff Pearce - Daylight Slowly - Hypnos Jeff Pearce - The Hidden Rift - Ancient Sun Jeff Pearce - The Light Beyond - Hypnos Jeff Pearce - To the Shores of Heaven - Hypnos Jeff Pearce - Vestiges - Jeff Pearce Music Klause Schulze - Contemporary Works 1 - Rainhorse Mark Jenkins - Sequencer Loops - AMP Metlay! - Live in Denver - Atomic City Mike Griffin and Dave Fulton - Imprint - Hypnos Ozone Player - E - Visual Power Richard Pinhas - Event and Repetition - Cuneiform Stars of the Lid - Avec Laudenum - Kranky Various Artists - Sequences No. 27 - Sequences vidnaObmana - An Opera for Four Fusion Works - Hypnos Wave World - Cloudseeder - VFR