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Tu2: looping software for PC: a rave review from a NON-endorsee

Hi gang, I don't recall whether anyone has talked about this
really wonderful looping software, but I have been using it
in conjunction with my brand new EDP with LOOP 4 software (don't
start me gushing about this one) in the last couple of days
and I am getting some amazing results.

It is a PC only (sorry my good mac friends) program which allows
you to take any .wav file and chop it into any number of exact length
increments (from 1 to 16).

This is a phenomenal way to take 'pad' like loops and turn them into
rhythmic 'bubbles' for groove purposes.

This is just the beginning:

You can apply short noise gates to any of the individual increments to
create rhythmic stutter effects.

You can then turn any of these individual steps on or off (creating
syncopated patterns).

Then you can apply a random function which will randomly shuffle the
individual 'slices'.

Say you have a rhythmic guitar loop using a particular chord.   Randomizing
the slices
can create some really funky variations.  Sometimes I just keep hitting the
randomize button until something really funky comes up.

You now have a picture of the original sliced up .wav on top and your new
randomize sliced up .wav on the bottom.

If you want to rearrange the new slices manually you can take any slice and
place it in a different place in the new sliced loop (including using the
same slice over and over if you want)

Now you can make any slice be played forward or reversed or you can use
another random function to randomly change the relationship of each of the

OKAY,  now we have a cool new funky rhythm .wav:

you can now add panning, resonance, filter cut-off to any individualy slice
or globally and every time you dig the way you've mangled the loop you can
save it as a preset for future mangling of new loops.

The loops you have created can now be placed in a mixer.........this is an
awesome way
to take the same loop and mangle it and resonate it in different ways:  
it in real time and then record the results into a sound editor like Sound
Forge or Cool Edit Pro
in real time.

It creates awesome real time and very organic sounding rhythmic tracks that
most people would be hard pressed to figure out how you made them.

Add to this some different softsynths and sequencer functions and a little
drum machine
and this program just rocks!!!!!!!!

It can be had from


for the low price of $35 for the shareware version.

Check it out,  I love it.

yours, Rick Walker