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OK, I have to toss one of my techniques in.. :) This is a technique that a) heavily modifies the sound, over time, and b) is just a wierd way to do looping... Using an internet streaming client, stream your audio out to the internet, while doing this, tune in to listen to the stream, wah lah! welcome to long loops and heavy sonic manipulation as each loop is decoded and re-encoded... now, I know you could do this without an internet connection, but, I love the 'chaos' of the undetermined delay times... hehe... After doing this I thought about creating a standalone piece of software for doing it, but, well, it's one of those projects that was never compelling enough to complete... But, now that I am rambling about it, maybe I should see about adding something like this to AmbiLoop.. (chris M?!?!? hehe) :) peace -cpr >-- Original Message -- >From: "Rick Walker/Loop.pooL" <> >To: <> >Subject: WIERD SOUND DESIGN for looping >Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2003 19:44:52 -0800 >Reply-To: > > >Hi gang, >I'm in love with sound design, from manipulating found sounds to using >computers and >effects processors and stomp boxes to mangle sounds. Whenever there are >those >100 tips for sound design articles in Electronic Musician or Future Music >or >Keyboard magazine I just eat that shit up (by the way, the excellent >british mag, Future Music just had it's 10th anniversary issue with a >whole >bunch of best of lists in it........go check it out). > >Would anyone be into contributing some of their favorite idiosyncratic >techniques for >looping sounds and designing sounds to loop? I'd personally love such a >thread. > > >In that spirit I just discovered some cool shit today and thought I'd like >to share it >with you all: > > > I just bought the coolest thing is a little dayglo green >plastic >'rock star' headset mic and plastic speak amplifier that I bought at >CLAIRE's which is >a young teen age girls accesorie shop in the local mall (I seem to get half >of my >plastic found sound musical stuff at shops like these............making very >sure that >I make eye contact with no young pubescesnt girls lest they think this >purple haired >middled aged man is a freak....................LMAO). All the young >women >who work in these stores know me by now and actually save stuff for me that >they think I will like. >It's pretty cool. > >Anyway, this little plastic toy amplifier with a tiny headset mic cost $10 >(US) and is surprisingly loud and, of course, really low fi. It is also >really prone to feedback. > > It is so prone to feedback that I started singing through it, covering the >teeny >2" speaker with my hand and systematically (and rhythmically) taking it off >partially. >In this way I could control (like a human noise gate) a couple of bands of >feedback (hand completely covering the speaker will cut the feedback >instantly). > >I then sang a little falsetto ditty in 7/8 into it and recorded it into >Sound Forge. > >I then opened up KANTOS as a plugin (which is this incredible new soft synth >made by >Antares---they of Autotune fame----which is controlled by audio tracks NOT >midi. > >It analyses the sound coming in (in this case my wierd little feedbacked >7/8 >vocal thing) >and then you can control resultant synthesizer's pitch with the waveform. > >I love 'what's wrong with this picture' sounds so I chose voice simulation >synth patches >to drive with this vocal thingee and the results sound like Psychedelic >Pygmies. > >Wow, If I only had KANTOS as a real time processor, I'd never take another >keyboard to a gig again.........with the wind synth control of the >Repeater >loops and the ability to control a synth with your singing or melodic >playing............woooohooooo. > >Okee dokee, that's my WIERD SOUND DESIGN for looping tip of the >day......... > >..........who's into following suit? > >yours, Rick Walker (loop.pool) > >