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Re: average age of the looping community?

    I just turned 25 two days ago.  Bought myself an EDP for my birthday.  
am a bass player and have been designing a rig for performing live drum 'n'
bass-metal-jazz-fusion for the last three years.  The EDP will allow me to
get my hands off the bass to do tweaks to other instruments in a live
performance environment.

    For a sequencer the only thing I've found that comes close to doing 
I am attempting is a small homebrewed deal called "MIDI Maestro"
(www.midimaestro.com) which is actually intended to be used by musical
theater directors.  It has all kinds of non-linear functions like being 
to loop a certain section of the sequence until you give it the signal to
move on (via MIDI), in realtime.  And realtime tempo change, via a virtual
slider.  However, it seems a little unstable, and as I get closer to my 
of performing this stuff live, I will be writing to the author to see if he
can implement some features to help me out, since I went ahead and
registered his software.  But if anyone else knows of a non-linear 
intended for live performance, please let me know.

    If you want an example of my interpretation of drum 'n'
bass-metal-jazz-fusion, maybe download this remix I did of my friends'
band's (Fifth Letter, www.fifthletter.com) tune, End Over End:
http://www.neoprimitive.net/jlucas/audio/lto/lto-endoverendremix.mp3  It's
just a rough mix.  I'm not done with it yet.  I just dumped it to two-track
to get some opinions from people.  If you are a drum programmer and
interested, the MIDI file for the drum track is here:
http://www.neoprimitive.net/jlucas/audio/lto/endoverenddrums.mid  It 
the GM standard pretty closely, so it should playback on any GM compatible
drum set patch.  All programmed by hand in Sonar 2.1 piano roll.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Evan Meyers" <evanmeyers@yahoo.com>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 8:57 AM
Subject: average age of the looping community?

> i know, i know...this is a bit off topic, but being
> that we are all attempting to pioneer these looping
> devices out of the closet and into mainstream (not
> really, but so to speak)...i was just curious of the
> average age of the musicians working this gear into
> fluid musical performance?
> from the pix i've seen of loopers and the great
> friends i've made on this list, it seems to be more of
> an infatuation of the working class family folk, but i
> was just curious if i'm alone in trying to integrate
> the looping technology into my music scene.
> i'm 24 and am moved by improvisational music and the
> jam scene and although i haven't found quite the right
> musicians to hit the road with, i have been able to
> successfully use my repeater and arsenal of sounds
> with all people i play with (as well as slowly
> building up a repetoir of solo music).
> just curuios...
> peace and bass...
> ~e va n
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