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is that in loop years rick??? i just turned 36 dec 13th life is good... ----- Original Message ----- From: Rick Walker/Loop.pooL <> To: <> Sent: Monday, February 10, 2003 4:44 PM Subject: average age of the looping community > 49 = 7 X 7 for me > > did my first looping performance in 1980 with TAO ELECTRICAL > which was a spinoff group of popular new wave band I was in, TAO >CHEMICAL. > Didn't do another one until the release of the lexicon JAMMAN (redubbed the > JAMPERSON > for our politically correct and non-sexist People's Republic of Santa >Cruz > audiences.** > > At the end of our set at an electronic music concert (with Dr. Richard > Zvonar and Bob Beede on the bill, by the way) each of the members of >this > trio (bass, guitar and drums = me) recorded a loop onto three original tube > echoplexes with erase disengaged (manually, i believe but I didn't actually > do that so I can't say for sure) and, one by one, > we walked of into the audience and let the performance continue by >itself. > I thought we were doing something that had never been done before >(because I > wasn't influenced by anyone to think up the idea) but have since, due to > that same > academic genius, Dr. Zvonar come to find that it was all old hat by that > time. > > Noone in that audience had ever heard it (which is true of most of the > audiences that I > play for still, to this day.....LOL. > > A couple of years later, a guy just reminded me a couple of months ago, >he > saw me > at the old UNION GROVE (pre-earthquake) playing one of the original digital > delays and I had it on an infinite repeat and was singing faux pygmy > yodelling > into it with a really primitive harmonizer. > > I had completely forgotten this as I was poor as a church mouse (living off > of > really 'out of the box' music at the time) and couldn't possibly afford the > gear > I was drooling over until this guy reminded me. > > He said, "You've been looping for 20 years, man". > > It startled me because the instant the Lexicon Jamman came out, I bought one > and ended > up playing them for 8 years (ultimately three of them synchronized with > midi) until > I purchased the DL-4. > > I did my recent live CD with two of those until I bought my Repeater and > added it to the > madness. > > Then, just recently I got my first EDP with loop 4: whole new ballgame > again. > > I have the Repeater feeding the EDP (through AUX 1) and the EDP feeding the > Repeater > (through AUX 2) and have retired my DL4s (that I love dearly) for everything > except > my > > PORTABLE BUSKING LOOPING RIG which consists of a battery powered head >set > mic, battery powered mini amplifier, battery bowered DL4, battery powered > Boss Intellishifter > all feeding into a dweeby, little girls plastic portable CD amplifier >made > of, > you guessed it, TRANSLUCENT DAYGLO LIME GREEN PLASTIC!!! > > This is all velcroed onto a high school marching drum apparatus made of > aluminum. > I think there are photos of me by Ted Killian on my website if my > webmistress (wow, it gets me hot calling my wife that......LOL) has put them > up yet. > > LOOP ON! > > rick walker (aka.loop.pool) > > > > *I still have the little graphics kit to change the front panel graphics of > the JAMMAN > to say JAMPERSON if anyone else thinks this is appropos, as I do. E-mail me > off list > and I'll get one out to you if I can find > >