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THE AMBiENT PiNG Free - Every Tuesday Night - doors open at 9pm - 1st set at 9:30 @ club nia / C'est What - 19 Church St. at Front St. - Toronto 3 blocks east of the Union Station subway. map - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tuesday March 4th - FaMished AMerica and PHOLDE Out of the swirling, voracious airwaves of north amerika comes a cannibal vision for the ears. Armed with two radio receivers and sound processors (including Boomerang and Head Rush), the duo (Susanna Hood & Nilan Perera) pulls the threads of the AM / FM dimensiona into a graffiti wall of sound, creating compositions that can ONLY occur at the specific time and place that the performance occurs. Classical, easy listening, jazz, urban, dance, world, newsradio, classic rock, sports, specialty and community channels. The radio bands, from the highbrow to the sales channels are all lovingly shredded into works of poignancy and power. Susanna - Nilan - Opening the night is PHOLDE, the ambient project of Alan Bloor, who is also known for his extreme noise project called KNURL. PHOLDE creates ambient soundscapes by the bowing and scraping of his metal sound-sculptures with hand files, smooth and threaded metal rods, angle iron and blocks of hardened steel. This will be the official release event for the newest PHOLDE CD "...AND WITH IT, WE SHALL DIVIDE". Between Sets CD - "FLUID - disc 2" by Jonathan Hughes/subspace A 2 CD set conceived to be played on 2 decks, with each 8 minute track designed to be compatible with any track on the opposite disc. * We're bring in an extra CD player tonight and putting it in 'random' mode so we can experience the 2 discs interacting the way the artist intended. * rik maclean is putting the final touches on the new PiNG THiNGS Internet CD Store. Stay tuned for next week's announcement, particularly if you can't visit the PiNG to access the growing selection of unique ambient/chillout/experimental/triphop/dreampop CDs. Join rik's "ping things new releases" announcement list at: to hear about the latest... * Scroll to the end of each PiNG Update for rik's weekly CD Reviews. This week - "Seed" by Ma Ja Le and James Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Ambient Ping presents free live performances by Toronto's finest ambient, chillout and experimental music artists plus performers from across the continent, every Tuesday at club nia (aka C'est What) featuring a comfortable lower stage area, perfect for attentive listening, plus a higher level with a bar, back room and more seating that's great for conversation, good food and the club's impressive beer, wine and whiskey selection. Musical treats are on offer at the PiNG THiNGS ambient/experimental CD boutique. Drop off food at PiNG THiNGS for the Daily Bread Food Bank too. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coming Tuesday March 11th - The Godawful Noise Between Sets CD - "Les Landes" by The Widening Gyre (2002) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * rik maclean's PiNG THiNGS' CD REViEWs "Seed" by Ma Ja Le and James Johnson Fans of both James Johnson's and Ma Ja Le's work will no doubt be thrilled by this release, a musical meeting of minds that produces a fantastic work of beauty and magic. Subtle textures and oblique movement permeate throughout the disc creating a shimmering cocoon that enshrouds the listener, drawing them deeper into an otherworldly state of being. Light percussion passes through leaving ripples and vapor trails behind in their wake. A passing flute, or is it something more exotic? Other sounds float by, caressing you as you drift further and further away from the physical world and into this new land of wonder. A sheer delight from start to end. To hear samples from the disc visit rik maclean - Send an e-mail to to hear about *all* the latest releases on sale at PiNG THiNGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please forward this e-mail to any friends who may be interested in live ambient, chillout and experimental music performances