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Just a follow-up THANKS to all the friendly people who have written letting me know about Shawn @ oberheim in chicago and the apparently good service that is now available for the unit. After thinking about it for the weekend and looking at my needs I've decided to sell the unit anyway. I mostly use the unit for layering and reverse (back in the day there weren't all the units that we have now) so I am better off with a simpler and more stable unit (hell, I'm working fine with the DL4 right now) My feeling is if it's an easy fix then whoever buys it gets even more of a bargain, I'm just ready to move on. I've had a few offers @ $500 + shipping but no confirmed sales. Again, the first person to confirm the sale via phone first and pays ASAP gets it. Of course I will still gladly answer any/all questions. Thanks! Evan Meyers wrote: > has it sold yet? > > > It is with great regret that I've decided to sell my EPD AS IS. It > has been sick for a while and I'm in the process of > > recording a new album and putting together a live show and just > can't deal with it anymore. Here are the facts: > > > > Oberheim Echoplex Digital Pro. Currently with V 5.0 Roms (original > 3.2 Roms included) Includes perfectly working and almost new obie > foot pedal. Memory upgraded (125 @ 1 loop on boot up). Has had the > compression input mod done. > > > > I've used this on and off again for years. Don't even know how long > I've had it (at least 5 probably a LOT more). it looks > > fine cosmetically (missing one knob "lid" which is how it was when > I got it). I gigged with it maybe twice otherwise it's been in my > studio or the rack since. > > > > I have no idea what these are going for or even if you can buy them > anymore. I know I paid a fortune for it and it > > worked ok for a while but now it's developed some bad habits: > > > > 1. There is an annoying digital screech that comes up occasionally > when you play with the input or output knobs. Sounds like a > scratching noise not related to a bad knob. if i set the knobs and > forget it it works better but sometimes still happens. > > > > 2. Occasionally it spontaneous reboots itself. Not always but > enough that I can't trust it for live use anymore. Oddly I > > think it didn't have this problem with the 3.2 ROMs I could be > wrong again of course. > > > > So, I'm dumping this mofo. It has incredible potential and as you > can read in the archives there is NOTHING as cool as > > this when it's > working. And it did work fine for quite some time. > > > > > I'm asking $500 for everything (unit, pedal, cables, both sets of > ROMS). of course the unit is sold AS IS. I have a ton of > > references (hell I'm *still* selling the Looper's Delight CD#1 if > you want to find me) and will pack well for free and charge only > actual shipping costs. > > > > If that price is not reasonable please make a serious offer. Keep > in mind I paid a LOT more for all this and I'm VERY > > upset at how it turned > out so please be serious and no low balls. > It DOES work, just not enough and my lack of patience is your gain. > > > > Will answer any/all questions. The unit is sold to the first person > to confirm the sale via phone at my asking price so > > please send your Phone # to speed things up. >