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> Dear Loopers, > > motivated by recent discussions on the list regarding groove boxes, I do now > venture to find the right groove box for me. My expectations would be: If you want sampling in a groove box, your >only< choices are the Yamaha RS7000 and the Roland 909. In both these units, sampling is hardly fully featured - their synth engines are limited in scope. If you can live without it, there are two great choices, both much cheaper. In fact, so much cheaper that you could probably pick up a new EDP or a full featured sampler for the price difference. The Yamaha RM1x has the best 'live' sequencer control implementation, but the sound set is relatively poor - about as good as the Rolands. It's pretty much an RS7000 without the sampling, for 1/4 the price (used, that is). The Emu Command Station series has much better synth engine - more dynamic sounds, really nice filters, and better sounding samples to begin with. And more knobs :> Furthermore, you can do live midi recording with the emu and, with the current OS, revert to saved without stopping the sequencer. Live midi looping, with undo. Roland? Don't care for it. The new 909 is a 505 with sampling.You can do much better with either of the two above, and a used sampler for your own sounds. I >really< don't like the Roland D/A converter sound, and the compression on their samples. I've seen people using 505s and 307s to good effect - (ask Mr. Sottilaro on this list), but the sequencer's features don't hold a candle to the RM1x, and the synth engine is nothing compared to the Emu. Furthermore, you are unlikely to find a 909 used yet, while used Rm1x's can be found for $300 or less (you have to look - they are popular :>) and Command stations run for under $500 new. If you have a laptop, don't forget to investigate Ableton Live and Reason. > > Does the Roland MC-909 really do all of this (i.e. the must-haves)? Is there > any (cheaper) alternative to it? Anybody has experience with the MC-909 > (either owns one or has played with one)? > I've tried it in the store, and have used 505 before. Then I got a used RM1x to go with my XL-7 and Live. Cheaper, better. ..bIz... (º·.¸(¨*·.¸.¸¸...¸¸.¸.·*¨)¸.·º) «.· ° ·· ° ·.» (¸.·º(¸.·¨'"'¨¨"¨¨'"'¨·.¸)º·.¸)