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Orvilles to replace EDPs?

I currently use several (15+) effects pedals and a pair of Gibson echoplex digital pro units...

I want to replace the "effects" at the least with an EVENTIDE ORVILLE...

BUT, it seems that I could potentially really do some positive damage by replacing all my pedals AND the Gibson echoplex digital pros with a pair of EVENTIDE ORVILLES?

When connecting two EVENTIDE ORVILLES, could I use them the way a pair of the Gibson echoplex digital pros work when using the brother sync function?

I play in stereo but I use my Gibson echoplex digital pros as if I were two separate musicians ... however I like them to be in time together ... so I use the brother sync function...

Can I sync two EVENTIDE ORVILLES in such a way that they don't have to loop together but, can sync up as two separate lopers that function in time together?

Gregory Bruce Campbell

If you slap at this BEE ... someone's gonna get hurt!

Stay tuned for Greg's BEE signature slap bass!

Check in often at www.beebasses.com for details!