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Re: best place to buy an apple...

I don't believe you will see much of a cost difference since Apple controls
manufacturing and distribution of its hardware. Besides from buying 
from Apple either online or one of their store locations, there is CompUSA.

Something else to consider is that the new iMac's come with 800Mhz
Processor, SuperDrive (CDRW/DVD Burner), monitor, and up to 1GB of memory.
While the towers are more scalable, they are also more expensive. The iMac
also has a much smaller profile.


On 5/20/03 11:40, "Evan Meyers" <evanmeyers@yahoo.com> wrote:

> okay, the time has come...
> the hours have been worked and the money has been
> saved and now it is time to put together my project
> studio.  i'm looking at getting a MAC G4 desktop.  i
> don't want anything slower than 800 processor speed
> and obviously i plan to load it with probably above
> 700 meg of ram.  where should i turn to get the best
> price.  i've had some bad luck with used equipment,
> but i've heard some good and bad stories with
> refurbished equipment.  what is the general consnsus
> on this list?  should i go through apple or a dealer
> or does anyone know a really good place to get the
> most bang for my buck?  the computer will obviously
> only be used for audio recording.
> at this point, it looks like i'll be going with a
> digi001 (i'd love to get the 002, but the price is
> just way too much for my budget).
> any and all help is appreciated!
> thanks,
> evan
> evanmeyers@yahoo.com
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