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Re: reply to Kim

At 10:24 AM 5/29/2003, Rick Walker/Loop.pooL wrote:
>It is just the only story that I can use to combat your assertions that 
>are completely ineffective in getting the word out to the masses.

I don't think I said you were ineffective, I'm saying the strategy doesn't 
make sense. Effectively doing something that doesn't make sense seems like 
a lot of energy that might be better applied in a different way.

>I have a challenge for you:   Instead of constantly nay-saying what we are
>attempting to accomplish by producing Live Looping Festivals,

that sure sounds bad. What I'm doing is challenging you to think clearly 
through what you are doing, so that it hopefully has a stronger foundation 
to grow on.

>why don't you brainstorm and alternate strategy to push Live Looping to 
>world of non loopers.

Do you mean push Looping to non-looper musicians in the hopes they might 
become Loopers themselves? I already did come up with a strategy for that. 
It's called Looper's Delight. Over 125,000 people visit it each month and 
learn something or another about looping. I don't really have the energy 
come up with more than that.

Or do you mean push Looping to non-musicians in the hopes they will come 
listen to it? That's exactly what I've been saying doesn't make sense if 
looping can be anything, so I don't quite see the point.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com