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RE: developing musicians and a musical culture

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg House [mailto:ghunicycle@yahoo.com] 
> discipline and knowledge accumulated over the years? How do 
> we encourage our culture to -create-? How do we knock people 
> out of a "spectator mentality"?
> Greg

I think it's important to remember that music can be played and
perceived at different levels. You can keep on playing for years without
knowing REAL MUSIC until one day you happen do jam with a musician that
does. Then you suddenly understand how simple and easy it is (like
waking up from a dream going "Oh, so THIS is it"). I think this is a
pure person-2-person happening on the individual level. By experiencing
this "transformation" you "receive new ears" and also the gift to pass
it on to others. Can never be written down in an "Educational program",
can only be practised.

Best wishes

Per Boysen
Phone  +46 (0)8 341181
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