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> i made that offer before i read your thread. i thought your unit was > broken. maybe it is. i don't know. > No - it's not broken at all. It's just a heart breaker :> > i always used the metronome output of my XP-80 to sync the EDP, through > the beat sync jack. have you tried that? i myself could never get MIDI > syn to work with the EDP anyway. it never seemed to get the length > right. > It's a nice thought, though I don't have any audio outputs to spare... bIz ------------ - "The beats are ok, I suppose, but the vocals sound like the vintage jazz singers from my dad's record collection. It's not for me." ------------ ----- Original Message ----- From: "Eric Williamson" <> To: "sserendipity" <> Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 6:19 PM Subject: Re: For sale: Stupid, P.O.S. Echoplex Digital Pro, with foot pedal. NO MIDI SYNCH > i would offer $400. > > i made that offer before i read your thread. i thought your unit was > broken. maybe it is. i don't know. > > however, i'd like to point a different way of doing sync. > > i always used the metronome output of my XP-80 to sync the EDP, through > the beat sync jack. have you tried that? i myself could never get MIDI > syn to work with the EDP anyway. it never seemed to get the length > right. > > if you'd like to chat about it, my phone number is 309.472.2885 > > thanks, > --- > Eric Williamson > > >