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Re: Any tips for an "audio pitched down" device?

"William R. Walker," wrote:

> Hello Per, At one time I had a Digitech IPS 33B, a rack mount harmony
> proccessor that did everything from simple octave up and octave down, to
> full on diatonic three part harmonies, to whammy effects, to deep space
> station like ambient effects. Essentially, a beer budget Eventide
> harmonizer. The model that came after that was DHP55 that allowed up to
> five part harmonies, so you could do instrumental boy band
> harmonies!(Yikes!) I agree with Stan that the whammy pedal is a good bet 
> you want something on the floor. Also, the boss octaver would be a worthy
> candidate, much more worthy than Arnold Schwarzenegger (hardy har har
> har!). And last but not least, if you can locate a used Boss VF1 half 
> proccessor, that has some very useable pitch transposition functions, not
> to mention a fairly convincing frettless bass model and a host of other
> cool effects both conventional, (reverb, chorus, delay) and non-
> conventional (VG8 style modeling,psuedo synth sounds, and ring 
> Michael Manring turned me on to the VF1, the last time he played in Santa
> Cruz, and I found one used on ebay for pretty cheap. The VF1 is a half 
> 24 bit device with plenty of headroom, clean transparent sound, and a
> dedicated hi-Z input on the front for guitar or bass. A very deep box.
> Bill

I use a Boss HR-2 Harmonist Pedal for my Pitch down stuff.  I play a Yamaha
FPX-300 acoustic guitar and I use the Harmonist Pedal to play bass lines 
it.  I was unhappy with the latency at first.  Here is the trick for me to
getting to to sounds better.

1.  I use the EQ on the guitar.  I turn down the treble and I boost the 
2.  I also use the fleshy part of my thumb to pluck the line.  (using a 
tended to make the latency more apparent)

Doing this in combination with octave down pedal helps to make convincing 
