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Re: Digitech space station presets??

Mine came with a separate sheet with the preset list (same as that on
the bottom of the unit).

On Monday, August 25, 2003, at 03:08  PM, Tim Nelson wrote:

> LOL! I was assuming that the bottom of yours, like
> mine, is covered in velcro and thereby rendered
> illegible! (I sat mine on my scanner before I velcroed
> it, same for the Whammy...)
> One would think that Digitech'd include that info in
> the manual rather than expecting us to keep squatting
> down to flip the thing over (or at least on a separate
> sheet that gets lost immediately a la Alesis) , but
> noooooo...
> -t-
> --- Legion <legion@helpwantedproductions.com> wrote:
>> <SMACKS forehead>
>> Why yes, there is.
>>> Isn't there a list of what the patches do on the
>> underside of the unit?
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