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Re: New Looper's Delight section: The Looping News

Nice job, Kim!

> Hi Loop fans-
> I've just finished adding a brand new section to Looper's Delight for 
> and headlines.
> http://www.loopers-delight.com/news/news.php
> This is where I will be putting Looping related news items like new
> announcements, special events, cd releases, and whatever else is sent to
> in the form of a press release.
> Visit it daily! Make it your home page!
> So far I've seeded it with a healthy collection of press releases that
> been sent to me over the last couple years by various manufacturers. As I
> get more I'll put them up. No doubt you will want to check this every
> single day to make sure you are always up to date on the latest current
> events in the Looping Universe. Don't feel left out of the conversation 
> the water cooler!
> Again, the section is here:
> http://www.loopers-delight.com/news/news.php
> You will also find that the home page of the LD site now has a little
> section showing the latest headlines. You can also go there and do a 
> check of what's happening now. http://www.loopers-delight.com/loop.html
> The Looping News also has the happy happy fun fun comments feature! Feel
> free to comment on the news articles of the day, offering up your glowing
> praise and/or libelous diatribes as you see fit! Instead of just sitting
> there talking at your screen, you can actually let the whole world know
> what you think! And the world really will care, I promise! Comment away!
> If you actually have some looping news to report, you may send it in to
> this address:
> news@loopers-delight.com
> (preferably in the form of a press release so I don't actually have to do
> any work.)
> If any of you budding journalists would like to do an unpaid internship 
> a Looper's Delight reporter, let me know. The untempered hyperbole 
> found in press releases can get a little silly sometimes. It would be
> really great to break it up once in a while with some real, honest
> Also, it is entirely likely that there is some bug or another in all 
> Dealing with php code and javascripts and databases and all that is not
> exactly my thing, but I think I got it mostly working. Please let me know
> if something doesn't look right.
> Enjoy,
> kim
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
> kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com