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Re: New Looper's Delight section: The Looping News

Hi Kim,

How do I temp. stop receiving e-mail from loopers delight.com?



-----Original Message-----
From: Kim Flint <kflint@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Sep 28, 2003 10:24 PM
To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: New Looper's Delight section: The Looping News

Hi Loop fans-

I've just finished adding a brand new section to Looper's Delight for news 
and headlines.


This is where I will be putting Looping related news items like new 
announcements, special events, cd releases, and whatever else is sent to 
in the form of a press release.

Visit it daily! Make it your home page!

So far I've seeded it with a healthy collection of press releases that 
been sent to me over the last couple years by various manufacturers. As I 
get more I'll put them up. No doubt you will want to check this every 
single day to make sure you are always up to date on the latest current 
events in the Looping Universe. Don't feel left out of the conversation at 
the water cooler!

Again, the section is here:


You will also find that the home page of the LD site now has a little 
section showing the latest headlines. You can also go there and do a quick 
check of what's happening now. http://www.loopers-delight.com/loop.html

The Looping News also has the happy happy fun fun comments feature! Feel 
free to comment on the news articles of the day, offering up your glowing 
praise and/or libelous diatribes as you see fit! Instead of just sitting 
there talking at your screen, you can actually let the whole world know 
what you think! And the world really will care, I promise! Comment away!

If you actually have some looping news to report, you may send it in to 
this address:


(preferably in the form of a press release so I don't actually have to do 
any work.)

If any of you budding journalists would like to do an unpaid internship as 
a Looper's Delight reporter, let me know. The untempered hyperbole usually 
found in press releases can get a little silly sometimes. It would be 
really great to break it up once in a while with some real, honest 

Also, it is entirely likely that there is some bug or another in all this. 
Dealing with php code and javascripts and databases and all that is not 
exactly my thing, but I think I got it mostly working. Please let me know 
if something doesn't look right.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com
