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I didn't realize it was so expensive to make a manual?

Is there anyway we can just get an electronic version and save the cost of
printing and shipping?

(unless of course this is being considered a profit making venture)


On 10/7/03 11:55 PM, "John Metzler" <jarofjam@mac.com> wrote:

> Good News everyone.
> If you would like to buy an EchoPlex manual for the EDP's running Loop
> IV, now you can.  They are $30 by way of a credit card.  The saintly
> gentleman to contact for one of these magnificent manifestos is Shane,
> with British Audio Service (Of America).  Here is his email address;
> shane@britishaudioservice.com
> The sooner a bunch of us order them the sooner he'll be able to
> ascertain the demand and order them up.
> ---John M.