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Gig spam: Las Vegas, NV with temperamental PMC 10

I forgot to say that I am taking mine to Vegas this weekend--performing at
Cashman Field as part of a costumed musical entertainment troupe,
Jackstraws--and I am going to do at least one "show"--Smith informs me that
I need to think in terms of 12 minutes "shows", any of you familiar with 
concept?--doing live acoustic improv with just an EDP and the PMC.
The event is Friday, Saturday and Sunday--it's a Crafts Festival, and Sue
Palmer and Motel Swing with be swapping sets with us--she is Candye Kane's
old piano player--San Diego Centric bands . . .
Anywho, we will see how the loops fly in that setting--and I am sure that
the foot controller with be reliable--it hasn't crashed on me for a long
time--just have to treat it with respect (!).