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I had a thoroughly enjoyable couple of loop event related days this weekend: First I went and saw Andre LaFosse and Jon Wagner play solo and together in Mountain View and then today I drove to Oakland to Kim Flint's house and watched a superbly informative (I have three pages of notes and I thought I was getting the hang of the EDP) Echoplex clinic by the same two guys. It was really cool because Andre practically never lets a loop play for any length of time, preferring to slice and dice and morph his looped music. He is so fantastic at this: the best I've seen, frankly. Then Jon is more like myself: interested in the stacking layers of repetitive rhythms. It was a great contrast in styles and a nice compliment to each other. Kim Flint was there, of course and constantly provided a backdrop of highly detailed and knowledgeable information on the EDP. I had a blast and don't even know why I'm posting it, except that I'm so jazzed about how much I learned and how turned on I am by looping and wanted to share it with someone. rick