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Re: Dad's in Poway gig report

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Relay" <relaydelayband@earthlink.net>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2003 22:30 PM
Subject: Dad's in Poway gig report

> So no list members down at Dad's (where David danced with Brenda)
> but I did use the looper (just for electric guitar) for several pieces,
> including a 16-bar blues, which I used as a rhythm section whilst I
> the premises with a harmonica--good sized building.  I am hoping it went
> well enough that I can pitch them for a loop afternoon concert--stay
> I thought I did pretty well, until I was informed by Candy (she tries to
> handle me--good luck) that she overheard the bartender in a conversation
> after my performance:
> PATRON:  Who are those fools? (indicating the next band, teenagers,
> in bluejean rockabilly garb)
> MARY ANN:  I don't know but I hope they're better than the last guy
> Oh well, no one can please everyone . . .  but we try.
> I will talk the Sean, one of the owners, and see what HE thought . . .

When I went to the then-fairly-new House of Blues (Sunset) in 1997 to see
Fripp on his first Soundscapes tour, I had a seat at the bar on the right
side of the stage (from which I had a great view of him twiddling all the
equipment), and the bartender, a body-builder type, kept making these
stupid, ignorant comments like "Ooooh, man, I left my mushrooms at home..."
and crap like that.  I made a note to report his ass, but Robert's two sets
left me without the slightest malicious thought in my head.

In short, bartenders shouldn't be trusted for their musical tastes, unless
they own the joint.

Steve Goodman
* EarthLight Productions
* http://www.earthlight.net