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>At 06:23 PM 12/6/03 -0000, you wrote: > > Hi, I don't know how aware anyone on this list is of > >installation art practice and so on, but if anyone can refer me to >similar > >or related work or literature, or simply share any thoughts about what >I > >am trying to, that would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, Peter. Hi Peter and other peeps. So sorry to arrive at this party so late, it wasnt for fashion , its just cos im a busy bee. Im currantly in my second year of a Ba (hons) Fine Art degree course at Cumbria institute of the Arts. Its pretty funny that someone else should bring this up. I have been meaning to use this forum to try and collect me thoughts, share and recieve opinions about Installation and Phonic art.....looks like this is as good an oppertunity as any. This year I have devoted a whole project to Phonic art. I began by looking at the concepts of time, bellow is my first Project Outline. I chose to concentrate my research and practice on the theme of Fragments of the past. I began by looking at the ideas, imagery and connotations of concepts such as “memory”, ”the physical and metaphysical state of being” and “permanence through repetition”. This project has taken a highly technological approach to the subject and I have been very influenced by my trials of various methods of capturing fragments of time in a technological manner. I have come to a conclusion that Technology it the key to immortality, I aim to investigate this avenue of thought further and deeper in the coming weeks. I have also become very involved with Loops and repetition as a form of replaying the past or holding a space of time for longer then its normal transient duration. I have been working extensively to this end using sound and video, indeed a major vein of my project now lies in this direction. The other area of interest that has opened up to me through research and investigation it that I have become intrigued by the notion that I held at first about digital technology being the truest form of capture and therefore the nearest device to recreating a real life phenomena such as sound or vision. While this still holds true in terms of being the closest representation, I have found it interesting to look closely at the parts of the “digital reflection” or image of a real life event that are the least true or the most pliable to manipulation. For instance while on one level a 24bit sound capture is almost “perfect” in its likeness to the original, the properties of space, volume and reproducibility are ripe for investigation and manipulation. sorry if that was a little long winded. anyways. basically I have made some Boxes with hidden mics and speakers in them that can capture the sounds made as a person begings a journey up a flight of stairs, at the half way point it replays the journey so far whilst also capturing what sounds the person is making there, then finally at the top of the stairs it it playing the sum sound of the whole journey. I am also using live looping in a reading of a monologue about time. one person reads whilst I capture fragments and creates rythmic nonsensically-profound sentences. the next piece i am to undertake will be a video installation where sounds and images from two citys (new york and Bangkok) are looped and made to interact with one another. At the moment I am on the lookout to mail off list, anyone who has any expertese it setting up quadrophonic systems where sounds can be manipulated to run around a room etc. anyone out there thinking yer thats me, get in touch. also all the other artist peeps who have started this thread, I would love to talk at more legnth, i have MSN if that would be suitable, I also have images of work ive done etc. mail me.. thanks one and all Phill Wilson _________________________________________________________________ Get holiday tips for festive fun.