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Andre had already unsubscribed and I will take the opportunity to write him off list so I know that he will not read this short post. I make it because I wish to clarify the historical record in response to several things that he said in his very last letter: Andre wrote: "I have by no means "consistently refused to participate" in "looping gigs. "That's over a dozen self-consciously-defined "looping music gigs" I've been a part of in the last two and a half years. So no, I don't necessarily object to playing a gig that's billed in such a way." and then went on to ennumerate the number of gigs that he did that I produced or helped produced and I want to go on record as saying he is absolutely correct and I also want to say on record that I will write to him an apologize for 'over dramatizing' what I said about his refusal to participate in live looping shows. It's not true and I feel embarrassed that I was upset enough about his leaving L.D. that I greatly overstated the case. Sorry, Andre! he also wrote: "What I do object to is going into a situation where I've learned, from experience, that I'm not going to be happy as a player. Having done the marathon festival/short solo set length/no soundcheck/no mid-performance break shows, I know from that experience that I don't enjoy these gigs, and I don't play to my satisfaction at them. ............. Two or three of the gigs listed above met these conditions, and they were by far the most enjoyable of the gigs for me as a player - the difference was truly night and day for me (and for the audiences as well.) In many ways, it's unfortunate (and, I'll admit, quite depressing) that you were never able or willing to offer that kind of gig to me." I do have to say, however, that this is a bit innacurrate from my perspective. To say I was never able (certainly true at times) has been true because we were always on 1) a huge multiple artist bill with strong time constraints or 2) multiple artist tours where I did not have control over the time of the performances in gigs where I was not producing (bars and such). To say I was unwilling is absolutely preposterous and an incorrect assumption on Andre's part. The style of the gigs and tours I have booked (and goddamit, how many other people have worked as hard as I have for little or no pay to try and promote Andre's artistry and the artistry of others?) has reflected the fact that, frequently, we had no 'name' draw with the looping artists we were working with (outside of Michael Manring, bless his heart and incredible artistry), so I made multiple artist bills to show people what a cool thing that we were doing (using the metaphor of live looping). To clarify, Andre has always been ambivalent about the 30 minute blitzkrieg sets at the big Loop Fests I've put on and I understand his frustration. I, myself, have to take a really tiny stomp box pedal looping rig to those kinds of shows that are out of town and can't to my full show because there isn't time for a more grandiose setup. It sucks but it is the nature of the game at any festival, no matter what the genre (or In the last festival, I specifically knew that Andre would turn me down for this reason and I offered to give him the only full (45-60 minute) slot and the headline status (both in publicity and in concert billing) that I've ever offered anyone at any of the festivals that I've thrown........I also offered him an honorarium for playing, to come out of the profits of the festival. Again, this is unprecedented in the festivals that I've put on for two reasons: I've tried until very recently, to be very egalitarian about how I booked the shows so that everyone would have a chance to play, and, hence a have a sense of truly belonging to the community (the community that has a very simple definition: People who use live looping devices and who want to play at the more definition than that............just whoever wants to participate.) For many other reasons, Andre turned me down, but he told me, specifically, that it wasn't fair of me to offer him something that I wasn't offering the other loopersand that he didn't feel comfortable accepting on the basis of that: That meant he wouldn't accept a normal slot for lack of time in front of the audience and lack of funds and he wouldn't accept a longer slot with pay because I couldn't offer it to everybody. Nice double bind. I gave up. So, let the record state: I like Andre. I consider him a friend and a colleague. I think the world of his artistry and innovation; his intelligence and his articulation. I, will miss him at this list, despite the fact that, as friends and colleagues we have gotten 'into it' over and over and I'm with him, though: I define maturity as the ability to engage people in rhetorical dialogue with mutual respect and without name calling and I have regretted the amount of that kind of behaviour that finds it's way onto Loopers Delight occasionally. That being said, I think we are like any other community: we are not perfect and things get good here and they get boring; they are harmonious and they flair up into disruptiveness and lack of respect...................We just have to deal, eh? sincerely, Rick Walker