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Re: Strange Insruments.....(was Art Rock...)

I'm looping (RC20 and Boomerang for now) on my chinese seven string 
zithers: GuQin, if anybody knows what I'm talking about or is interested 
in the matter. That's more Art Soul....


Andreas Willers a écrit:
> Yes, Fed's guitar plate is cool. Check out (german improviser) Hans
> Reichel's stuff in that vein: he moved the concept of the guitar with two
> scales on another level by bulding an electric like that. Sounds quite
> unearthly when you pluck on one side of the bridge and use the pickup on 
> other side (recording: "Erdmännchen"/FMP). His other invention is an
> instrument called the "Dachsophon" that sounds quite archaic, I forgot 
> it's principle was...
> Regards, Andreas Willers 