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Re: EDP stumped

All I can think of is to make sure the EDP & Alesis
are set to different midi channels. If not, the Alesis
would be sending note messages as well as midi clock
to the EDP.


--- Michael and Nikki <cosmicchai@charter.net> wrote:
> Sigh.
> I've read the manual. I've searched the archives.
> You are my only hope.
> SYNC=in
> QUANT=loop
> My Alesis drum machine is sending MIDI clock, and is
> set to a simple 4/4
> pattern.
> I record loop 1, no problem. I record loop 2, no
> problem. While playing loop
> one, I press NEXTLOOP. The Echoplex thinks (000),
> then changes flawlessly
> into loop 2. While playing loop 2, I press NEXTLOOP.
> The Echoplex thinks
> (000), then instead of changing at the end of loop
> 2, it starts loop 2 over
> (even says so on the LED) and gets about one or two
> beats into the first
> measure before changing back to loop 1.
> I am losing my mind.
> If it's the MIDI clock from the drum machine, then
> why does it change
> flawlessly from loop 1 into loop 2?
> I can just turn off the SWITCHQUANT but this means I
> have to tap NEXTLOOP on
> the proper downbeat, and I would prefer to let the
> EDP handle that while I'm
> busy adjusting my effects pedals.
> Help me.
> Please, help me.

John Tidwell

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